Aries Sign

Aries Sign

People born under the Aries sign are friendly and physically vigorous. The Aries sign characteristic features are frankness and honesty. Aries sign people are fearless and trustful realists. They are optimistical and like to overcome obstacles. People of Aries sign are pleasant and love to make others happy. At the same time those who were born under Aries sign are extremely vulnerable and can easily fall into anger.

Aries Career

The main meaning of life for Aries sign is work. They are successful in career, art, and business. Aries sign representatives can become good doctors, military leaders, journalists, or managers.

Aries Love

The fair sex Aries cannot be engaged only in love, but she always needs romances. The stronger sex Aries can amaze with passion and coldness. Aries is idealistic, sentimental, true and fair in love. Aries sign men love romantically and cannot pretend passion.

Aries Compatibility

The first sign of fire, Aries vigorously ties up relationships, tries very quickly to develop them. In love and marriage the best compatibility comes up with people of the fiery element (especially Leo and Sagittarius) and the air element (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius). With the representatives of the element of earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and the water element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), relations can also be poised and steady if not badly affected by differences in sexuality.
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Aries Health

Aries sign people are seldom ill with chronic diseases, but they may have high blood pressure. Aries sign may frequently suffer from physical injuries. Aries works hard and it can lead to a nervous exhaustion. Aries cannot endure toothache.

Aries Woman

Aries woman is intellectual, very strong and at the same time sentimental. She must be a leader. Aries woman loves flattery. Her life is bright, and her nights are dark and lonely. Aries woman is capable of passion and mystical idealism. She is a good mistress of the house, but does not love household duties. Aries woman is a good mother and she gives children everything.

Aries Man

Aries man looks younger than he really is. Aries man is overflown with ideas, impatient, brave and self-assured. Aries man can be intolerable, selfish and exacting. Aries man never recognizes that he is wrong and denies any authority. Aries man always dominates at home. Aries man loves children and is a model father.

Aries Child

Being curious, eager to know and try/taste everything, Aries child is very active and restless, constantly in movement. Aries boy and Aries girl love sports and outdoor games which give them a possibility to demonstrate their leadership qualities. Aries child has a gift for drawing as well as a specific feeling for color and proportions.
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Famous Aries People

Leonardo da Vinci, Larry Page, Thomas Jefferson, Mukesh Ambani, Emile Zola, Celine Dion, Quentin Tarantino, Charlie Chaplin, Lady Gaga, Robin Wright...
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